

Updates to the Neighbourly noise score

15 December 2016

We’ve recently introduced a new way of calculating the noise scores (a type of activity measure) for all Neighbourly projects. If you have a project, it’s very likely that your noise score will have changed during November, but don’t worry - all the noise generated to date won’t be lost.

What this means

The biggest change is that scores can now go both up and down, with the introduction of degrading to noise scores over time. All this means is that ‘noise’ created for projects in the past will slowly wear off and recent activity will have a bigger impact.

Introduction of campaign noise scores

We’re also introducing a campaign noise score which will show the noise your project has made during a specific campaign – different to your individual project noise score which evolve over the life of the project. All projects will have a starting campaign noise score of 0 which will grow with campaign activity – this can be seen on the project tiles within the campaign page.

If your project score has changed

If your project score dropped when we introduced this in November – it’s most likely that the project has been on the site for a while without much recent activity. Older activity still counts, but with less weighting. Your score can be boosted again with some new posts, followers and social sharing. If your project score has increased – great! That’s because there’s been some recognition for some activities that weren’t in the previous score calculations.

We’ll continue to refine the way we calculate noise and will be adding more activities to the scores in the new year.

About Neighbourly

Neighbourly matches charity and community projects with people and companies that can lend a hand. Get support by creating and sharing a project or give support by following, donating or giving a day to volunteer.