

Neighbourly re-accredited for ISO27001

11 September 2023

Neighbourly is delighted to have been re-accredited for ISO27001, making us the only company in our sector to have achieved security credentials of this level.

ISO27001 is one of the most widely recognised and internationally accepted information security standards designed to help global businesses set up, administer and maintain information security management systems.

Neighbourly originally certified in 2022, and as a business that uses technology to build strong and sustainable communities, remaining on top of cyber challenges and being committed to securing the data of our partners and good causes is paramount. We are committed to being routinely audited by an accredited, independent certification body, as well as internal auditing, monitoring and reviewing, to ensure the protection of data grows along with the business.

How ISO27001 accreditation supports our community:

  • From data asset classification to physical security, our certification means that any potential security gap has been identified and sufficiently protected against so anywhere information is stored has been assessed and secured

  • The data and security teams of the organisations we work with can be assured that we take information protection extremely seriously.

  • The certification confirms that we identify and manage risks consistently and measurably.

Achieving this level of security certification is the result of commitment from everyone at Neighbourly as we continue to challenge ourselves to reach the highest standards. 

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